most branded watermarks are completely ignored. For example, I added this watermark to all my videos: Backlinko – premier filigrane And it didn't work. So I decided to try something else. Instead of a watermark that looked cool, I used one that looked like a normal YouTube channel subscribe button. YouTube channel subscription watermark And my new watermark generated 70% more subscribers compared to the old one. Success of the new watermark 5.
Focus on video quality When I started South Korea WhatsApp Phone Numbers my YouTube channel, I read the same advice over and over: “If you want to grow your channel, you need to upload videos regularly.” Unfortunately, just posting a series of videos usually doesn't work. I will explain to you : When I started my channel, I posted videos at a steady pace... ...but no one was looking at them. Low view rate on YouTube And the few people who watched my videos didn't even bother to subscribe. YouTube Channel – Low Subscriber Conversion Rate So I changed my approach. Instead of quantity, I decided to focus 100% on quality. And this “quality over quantity” approach to my YouTube videos has worked really well.
Today, my channel generates more than 189,000 views per month for a total of only 39 videos: Backlinko on YouTube - Number of monthly views And because I make sure every video is high quality, over 4,000 people subscribe to my channel every month: Backlinko on YouTube - More subscribers per month 6. Reply to every comment This is one of the easiest ways to get more subscribers. Indeed, YouTube's internal data established a clear correlation between responding to comments and subscribers: “When creators take the time to interact with their loyal community, it can encourage audience participation.